Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Rant time1; Microsoft

What is it with companies and interesting interfaces?

A couple of professors here are interested in using Microsoft Surface. Looks like a neat idea. Check price: Commercial version $12500. Ouch. But they're developers- we should get a discount, right? MS will sell developers a table for $2500 *more* than the commercial version. I'm not sure I can publish the academic pricing discount, but let's just say it's pretty skimpy. As in, I spend more on a trip to the grocery store than the academic discount is for a $15000 item. Do they care about this product at all? I remember back when NT 4 came out and seeing a student package of Visual Studio for every language plus a full version of NT 4.0 for $90- it’s the day I knew OS/2 was dead, since the equivalent boxes of OS/2 software sat next to it and cost over $1000.

I thought the chant was "Developers! Developers! Developers"

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