Thursday, December 11, 2008

It's the simple things that get you

Now that I can finally come up for air from my course (which took far more prep time than I had anticipated) I remember why I like to be a luddite in the classroom much of the time.  

  1. Getting web video to work is always a hit and miss thing.  I found some great, obscure stuff and always managed to get it to work, but it took constant checking, codec downloads and the fanatical will not to use anything but IE for video.  Add to that the fun of watching screensavers start up in the middle of a movie...
  2. Cross compatibility between Macs and PCs is still horrible.  There's nothing like watching a student try to figure out why their nice PPT suddenly has no images when they put it up on the screen in class.  
  3. I put the vast majority of my readings up on electronic reserve in Angel, in part to save paper, in part to save money and in part to save my butt since I rare knew what the reading would be a week ahead of time.  Those students who read them just printed them out anyway- paper would have probably been better.

Of course, lower tech stuff fails too- I never had much luck converting malachite to copper as a class demo, and that process has been around for 4000 years...


Bryan Alexander said...

Heh, about the malachite.

Web video: have you tried the Flock browser? I've been having good luck with it on this score over the past year, better than FF or Chrome for Flash video.

Eric Remy said...

Hmm- I've barely played with Flock, have to give it a better workout