Thursday, May 1, 2008

Opening up Flash

Adobe is finally realizing that Flash as a universal platform will be of more value to them than Flash as a revenue source. This isn't a full release of everything, but making the file specs and porting layers open and removing the licensing from the players it's a huge step to getting Flash onto every system out there. Programming purists may scoff at Flash and Actionscript, but for rapidly developing rich animated content it's the best tool out there.

There's still a major issue though: Flash video (such as Youtube) uses On2 codecs which are nowhere near as open, so some of these platforms may end up with all the Flash goodness without the site that pushed Flash into near-total ubiquity. Given the popularity of student created videos in classes (and for skateboarding crash videos outside of class) I'm not sure if this is going to be as big a deal as it might be for both Adobe and the creative community

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I didnt think YouTube used VP6 as this is Flash Player 7 and VP6 starts with Flash Player 8 ?